Monday, July 6, 2009

Hiring the Best Candidate

The best people to hire are those who will position a company to profit as it moves into the future. New hires not only should possess the immediate skill sets that you are looking for but those that the company will need in the future. Of course, we as HR must first be clear about the organizations strategic direction for the future, so that we can hire talent to help the company to achieve their goals.

Understand the Job That You Are Hiring For. If you do that finding the right people to hire will be much easier. Analyze the job by asking yourself, what kinds of people perform well at this job? Ask those who already work in the position? Speak with the manager and learn of his/her needs. Observe the behaviors of those in the position and ask them questions. This will drive your selection standards. You will find that your hiring process will go smoother and yield you the best match.

Be Legal. If you cannot remember EEOC, Title VII, Title I, Title V, Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, please, please, please take a moment and review them by logging onto the EEOC website. If the interviewee feels that they have been denied because of discrimination, they can file a lawsuit. This can cause your organization a bad name, compensatory damages, and possibly punitive damages.
Build a Standardized Hiring Process and Use It. This if by far the best advice anyone can give to HR. Your standardized hiring process should include criteria-based screening of an adequate number of candidates, a background check, standardized assessments and structured interviews. The more important the position, the more rigorous the hiring process should be. But do not go overboard.

Hire Top Talent Get More Profit. The right person will make contributions to your company’s productivity and profitability that far exceed salary cost. But the wrong person can cost plenty.

A Bad Hire Is Worse Than You Think. According to the Harvard Business Review, 80 percent of turnover is caused by bad hiring decisions. These are costly mistakes. The U.S. Department of Labor calculates that it costs one-third of a new hire’s annual salary to replace him. These figures include money spent on recruitment, selection and training plus costs due to decreased productivity as other employees fill in to take up the slack.

But these numbers don’t reflect the intangible damages an exiting employee can have such as lost customers and low employee morale across the rest of the organization. And, turnover costs climb even higher as you move up the organization: mid- and upper–level managers can cost over twice their annual salary to replace.

Interviewing Alone Doesn’t Work. Traditional interviews don’t help you select top talent. I always look for something extra. If candidates performed special projects or task in college, do they have a blog or website that I can review, have them bring samples of their work to the interview and explain the process.

The Most Neglected Aspect of Hiring is a Job Analysis. Doing this helped me cut down the number of people I needed to interview. A job analysis, the most neglected aspect of hiring. If performed correctly, a job analysis provides a list of the personal attributes required to work effectively in the role. This list of attributes is identified first by breaking down a person's job into logical parts.

Once a business knows what the position requires, the hiring process is faster and more effective because job candidates are evaluated on a common set of criteria. When you know exactly what talents are required—you know what to look for and what to test for. Remember turnover is reduced when the person fits the job. It is what it is: people love their jobs when the position matches their personality, attitudes, and skills.

Matching People to Jobs. Candidate screening, personality and skill assessments, performance-based interviews and behavioral based interviews all help identify top candidates. No single technique is the best, so use multiple techniques this will give you the best employee(s). Hiring people or the best person for the job does not need to cost a lot or take a long time.

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